【6.5.5】临近和定向催化(Catalysis by proximity and orientation)


邻近定向效应是指两种或两种以上的底物同时结合在酶活性中心上,相互靠近 (邻近) ,并采取正确的空间取向(定向) ,这样大大提高了底物的有效浓度, 使分子间反应近似分子内反应从而加快了反应速度。 尽管底物与酶的结合使底物 的熵减少,但熵的损失通过底物与酶结合释放的结合能而得以弥补(This increases the rate of the reaction as enzyme-substrate interactions align reactive chemical groups and hold them in close proximity together. This effect is analogous to an effective increase in concentration of the reagents. The binding of the reagents to the enzyme gives the reaction intramolecular character, which gives a massive rate increase. This reduces the entropy of the reactants and thus makes reactions such as ligations or addition reactions more favorable, there is a reduction in the overall loss of entropy when two reactants become a single product).

分子间和分子内的反应(Intramolecular and intermolecular reactions)


  • 南京大学 杨荣武老师 《结构生物学》课件
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