
  1. RNA的二级结构是指其主链在局部形成的有规律的折叠(Local, regular folding of RNA backbones is referred to as secondary structure of RNA)
  2. RNA的二级结构有多种形式:对于双链RNA来说,形成的是双螺旋; 对于单链RNA来说,一般都是在建立在链内碱基互补配对的基础上, 形成的各种不完美的局部双螺旋,它们包括单核苷酸突起、三核苷酸 突起、发夹环、对称的内部环和不对称的内部环等(RNAs have many different secondary structures. In the case of double-stranded RNA, it adopts double helix just like DNA; In the case of single-stranded RNA, many different imperfect double helices can form to ensure maximal intra- chain base-pairing. These imperfect double helices include single- nucleotide bulge, three-nucleotide bulge, hairpin loop, asymmetrical internal loop and symmetrical internal loop et. al.).
  3. RNA双螺旋内经常含有一些非标准的碱基配对,这可以增加单链 RNA形成局部双螺旋的可能性。其中最常见的是GU碱基对(RNA helices often contain non-canonical base pairs, which increases the likelihood of forming local double-helix of single-stranded RNAs. The most common is the GU base pairs).
  4. 与RNA 有关的双螺旋总是A型,其原因是2′-OH形成的空间位阻阻 止B型形成。A型双螺旋使得RNA结合蛋白主要在小沟里面去识别 (The RNA-related double helices are always A-type. The 2′-OH of the ribose inRNAhindersformationofaB-typehelix.A-typehelices allow RNA to be recognized by RNA-binding proteins in the minor groove).

虽然二级结构是关于碱基的配对,但碱基的配对不仅仅有二级结构的信息。RNA序列通常是由四个碱基(A,C,G,U)的排列组合所组成。在两个碱基配对里,AU和GC配对最稳定、被称为Watson-Crick配对,GU是次稳定的配对(Wobble base pair)。 其它碱基之间也能配对,它们被称为非规范碱基对,往往需要靠三维结构才能稳定下来。需要三维结构来稳定的还有孤碱基对(没有多个配对碱基的堆积)以及各种假结结构(例如,一个茎环结构的茎的一半插入了另一个茎环结构的茎结构,相吻发卡(kissing hairpin),发卡-突环接触等)


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